- The Absolution Formula of the Templars
- !! DeMolay: The Last of the Military Grandmasters of the Order of Templar Knights
- Historical Sketch of the Order of the Knights Templar
- !! History of the Knights Templar, Enlarged from the Researches of Numerous Authors
- !! The History of Chivalry
- The Knights Templar: The History and Myths of the Legendary Military Order
- Sketch of the History of the Knights Templar
- The Templar Papers – Ancient Mysteries, Secret Societies and the Holy Grail
- The Trial of the Templars by Malcolm Barber
- The History of the Knights Templars, Temple Church and the Temple
- !! The Oxford History of the Crusades

- A Heresy of State: Philip the Fair, the Trial of the “Perfidious Templars,” and the Pontificalization of the French Monarchy
- A New Norse Knighthood: The Impact of the Templars in Late 12th Century Norway
- A Tale of the Wexford Knight Templars and their Medieval Settlements at Kilcloggan and Templetown
- Baphomet and the Templars
- City of Dubica between Kingdom of Hungary and Knights Templars During the 13th Century
- Chinon Parchment Analysis and Context
- Commemorations of Crusaders in the Manuscripts of the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem
- Comment on the List of Grand Masters of the Order
- How Secret was the Templar Admission Ceremony?
- Institutional Dependency Upon Secular and Ecclesiastical Patrons and the Foundations of the Templar Trials
- Knights Templar Important Castles and Churches
- The Last Mission of the Templars
- List of Historic Knights Templar
- Memories of the Templars in Britain: Templar Charters in Hospitaller Records after the Dissolution of the Templars
- Myths and Reality: The Crusades and the Latin East as Presented during the Trial of the Templars in the British Isles, 1308–1311
- Templars and the Jews in Catalonia
- Papal Policies Towards the Templars
- Reconsidering Royston Cave: Beyond the Templars and Freemasonry
- Rinaldo da Concorezzo, Archbishop of Ravenna, and the Trial of the Templars in Northern Italy
- Embracing Death, Celebrating Life: Reflections On The Concept Of Martyrdom In The Order Of The Knights Templar
- Saints or Sinners? The Knights Templar in Medieval Europe
- Steamy Syrian Scandals: Matthew Paris on the Templars and Hospitallers
- Templar Estates: The Knights Templar estates in Herefordshire: 1308-13
- Templar Attitudes Towards Women
- Templars and Hospitallers in the Cities of the West and the Latin East (Twelfth to Thirteenth Centuries)
- Templars, Crusades, And Consideration: A Study On Bernard Of Clairvaux’s Allegory Of The Two Swords
- Templar Liturgy and Devotion in the Crown of Aragon
- The Conflict Of The Trial Of The Templars (1307-1314): The Real Identity And Long Life Of The Templar Pietro Da Bologna, Defender Of The Templars In Paris, From New Local Sources
- The Inquisitor Ralph of Ligny, Two German Templars, and Marguerite Porete
- The Search For The Lost Temple Of Chelverescote
- The Social Context of the Templars
- The Templars After Acre
- The Templars as Papal Bankers
- The Templars of Portugal
- The Trial of the Templars in Ireland
- The Trial of the Templars in Britain
- The Trial of the Templars in the County of Flanders
- Torture and Confession in the Templar Interrogations at Caen, 28–29 October 1307

- Chinon Parchment [English Translation]
- Complete Ancient Rule of the Temple (686 Rules)
- De Expugatione Terrae Sanctae Per Saladinum – Battle of Hattin 1187
- Founding Charter of Portugal with Templar Iconography
- In Praise of the New Knighthood by Bernard of Clairvoux [English Translation]
- Innocent III Summons to a Crusade, 1215 AD
- Omne Datum Optimum of 1139 AD
- Papal Decree for Forgiveness of Sins for All Who Die in Battle with the Heathen
- The Statutes of Roncelinus, The Secret Rule of the Temple
- The Foundation of the Knights Templar by William of Tyre
- The Primitive Rule of the Templars
- Untranslated Letter Written by Jacques DeMolay