- 1705 Statutes [English]
- 1705 Statutes [French]
- Acts of the Convent General – Ordre du Temple – Paris 1837 [French]
- Acts of the Convent General – Ordre du Temple – Paris 1837 [English/Bad Google Translate]
- Actes de Convent Général de l’Ordre du Temple 1841 – Jean-Marie Raoul [French]
- !! Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: Being the Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London, Volume 11 [Contains Relevant History]
- !! Bulletin de l’Ordre du Temple [French]
- !! Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences
- Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods [Relevant History]
- Les Contemporains 1894 – Fabre-Palaprat
- History of Religious Sects Which Were Born and Changed – Ordre du Temple [English/French]
- !! Levitikon – Fabre-Palaprat’s Johannite Scripture [French]
- Levitikon – Fabre-Palaprat’s Johannite Scripture [Bad Google Translate]
- The Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith
- The Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith, Vol. II
- The Life of Sir Sidney Smith
- Manual of the Knights of the Order of the Temple
- Memoirs of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith
- Statuts Généraux de l’Ordre du Temple 1839 [French]
- The Origin of Freemasory and Knights Templar
- !! The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry by A.E. Waite [Relevant History Contained

- 1945 Order History According to Antonio Fontes [French}
- Gnostic Church History: Ecclesia Gnostica
- History of the Restoration of the Order
- Knights Templar (Ordre du Temple) and the Freemasons
- Origins of Templar Revivalism: Les Petite Resurrection des Templiers
- Revived and Recently Created Orders of Chivalry
- Templar History and Unity
- Templar Transmission Theories – Larmenius
- A Timeline of the Order, Early to Modern

- 1705 Statutes Images
- Affaire Ricord – Signed Maxime Vernois [French]
- Biographical Notice on Maxime Vernois [French]
- Diplômes de l’Ordre du Temple – Fabré-Palaprat [French]
- Diploma of Joachim Piron
- Exile of 1838 Schismatics by Fabre-Palaprat [French]
- A Statement From Ordre du Temple from the Journal “A Friend of Religion” 1839 Regarding the Restoration to Right Doctrine in the Aftermath of Fabre-Palaprat
- The Larmenius Charter / Charter of Transmission: Commentary and Translation
- Larmenius Charter Backside
- Summary of Items Deposited by A.G.M. Vernois in the National Archives of France in 1870
- Militia Templi Vow
- Ordre du Temple Document Inventory 1810-1857
- Ordre du Temple Members 1804-1857 [English]
- Ordre du Temple Statutes Notebook Register
- Ordre du Temple Treasures Housed in National Archives of France
- Proof of Initiation into the Order Prior to 1804
- Sir Sydney Smith Speech from Convent General 1837 [French]
- Sir Sydney Smith Articles and Statues after Succession
- Sir Sydney Smith and the Templars
- Sir Sydney Smith Investiture
- Will and Testament of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith

- 1705-1724 Phillippe, Duc d’Orleans
- 1724-1737 Louis Augustus Bourbon
- 1737-1741 Louis Henri Bourbon Conde
- 1741-1776 Louis-Francois Boubon Conti
- 1776-1792 Louis-Hercule Timoleon, Duc de Cosse Brissac
- 1804-1839 Bernard Fabre-Palaprat
- 1839-1840 Sir William Sydney Smith (Regent)
- 1866 A.G.M. Vernois (Regent)
- 1892 Joséphin Péladan (Regent)